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investment incentives中文是什么意思

用"investment incentives"造句"investment incentives"怎么读"investment incentives" in a sentence


  • 投资刺激
  • 投资剌激


  • It plays off governments against each other to get biggest investment incentives .
  • Prior to 1999 , vc stockholders enjoyed investment incentives as stipulated in article 70 of the statute for upgrading industries . the statute was amended in 2000 and the regulations for managing venture capital enterprises were abolished
  • Taking the benefits of investment incentives allowed in the " go west " strategies , it may be worthwhile for hong kong companies to consider investing in the western region for vertical or horizontal expansion , or even diversification
  • The third chapter discusses cross - cultural conflict in the first stage of joint - venture enterprise ' s buildup , which includes foreign immoral investment incentive different value system and communication style of jv enterprise ' s buildup negotiate
  • The four strategies that comprise increased capital input in infrastructure development , favourable investment incentives , widened scope for foreign participation and investment in training and human capital are basically aimed at establishing a more open and conducive investment environment
  • At a white house news conference , the president said robust action has been taken to prevent recession , a reference to the economic stimulus package recently passed by congress that ( will ) put rebate checks into the hands of many taxpayers and provide businesses with investment incentives
  • The transformation mainly involves the transformation of educational resources disposition from planned pattern to market pattern , the transformation of management system and allocation system of higher education , the establishment of plural educational investment system , the establishment of appropriate investment incentive system , and the improvement of the efficiency of higher education services through the industrialization of management and socialization of services
  • As an effective signal of information , capital structure can convey firm ' s inside information to outside investors , influencing their investment incentives . the choice of the optimal financing policy can avoid the problem of overinvestment and underinvestment , caused by the information asymmetry , to some extent
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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